“Family … where life begins & love never ends.”
What a blessing it was to spend time with this beautiful family last weekend! I was so looking forward to spending the evening with the Vanover family in Beech Island since I had had so much fun with them when we first met during our Costumes for a Cause fundraiser in October. I thought it was so special that brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles would show up for photos then all go trunk or treating together. There’s something about large families who take the time to show up and be there for one another in the every day, whether the little stuff or the big stuff, through thick and thin that I admire so much. I see that in this amazing family through and through…
…and it all started with these two. What a wonderful loving couple – 34 years together. Just look at the way Miss Rhonda’s eyes sparkle when she looks at him. And Mr. Denny, well he’s always grinning from ear to ear. I’m telling you, these two are a delight.

Megan, Brandon, and their beautiful blue eyed baby boy Mac

Lindsey, Joseph, and their awesome little rockstar Tate (he’s seriously the coolest little dude)

Zane, Kayla, and their beautiful daughter Olivia – she’s such a sweetheart!
I remember my grandmother having a large tree in her driveway with low hanging branches. My cousin and I would go out there on warm summer evenings and take a picnic basket. It felt like a mile walk and I could’ve sworn it was the willow tree from Pocohantas but as an adult I know it was actually about 20 feet from the door and an old pine. That’s the magic of childhood. Olivia & Tate reminded me of those days and their bond is something extra special. What a blessing it is to have a friend like that within your own family.
The way Olivia and Tate fawn over baby cousin Mac is the cutest thing you’ll see all day. They both wanted to hug on him and kiss him. I’m no Nostradamus but I would place bets that these two older cousins are going to be fierce protectors and watch over Mac for years to come.
Vanover, Russo, & Sanders families,
Thank you for spending this beautiful Sunday evening with me, for your kind and down to earth spirits, and for being such an great example on what it means to be a family!