Usually when I say “life happened” it’s not a good thing, but today life happened and it ended up being fantastic! A group of moms in the area had been planning a field trip to Sunny Day Farm and we’ve been looking forward to it! It was about an hour drive (okay so i’m including a Starbucks trip) when we arrived at 9. About 10 minutes later and no sign of anyone, I messaged my friend who planned it, asking where everyone was. So apparently… I was so excited that I had the day wrong. Classic case of mom brain. Thankfully the staff at the farm was so kind and let us check it out, saying “I’m not going to make you drive all the back to Augusta!” It ended up being such a fantastic day; I loved documenting our time together.

Most of the pictures are of the back of my child’s head, it’s hard to keep up and take pictures!

So much fun petting the goats, pigs, and looking at all their cute livestock!
To be honest, we hadn’t taken the time to do much fall activities yet… as I’m saying on HALLOWEEN day haha. So, this was an absolute blessing in disguise. We headed downtown to the Home Fresh Bistro to grab a bite to eat. Although we arrived before they began serving lunch, they let us order a BLT and pasta salad, so thankful for that because we were getting hangry and it was delicious! I’m ready to go back for seconds, truly.
After lunch, it was time to call it a day. Noelle led the way back to the car… slowly. Stopping to smell the petunia growing in the sidewalk cracks, checking out mailboxes, and really everything I would’ve passed by without noticing. Looking at the world through her eyes was a reminder that hit me like a ton of bricks, to slow down and appreciate the small things and this little girl more 🙂
Noelle, I love you!
“Mom -EEE!”